Hand Therapy Services

Therapeutic Massage

What is Therapeutic Massage?

When injured muscles and tendons cells degenerate, they tighten and release chemicals into the area.  Sometimes this is seen as swelling.  These chemicals are perceived by the brain as an injury, and you perceive pain to stop using these muscles to protect them so they can recover.

hand therapist at The Hands Physio uses therapeutic massage to:

  • release tight muscles and tendons
  • alleviate tension in muscle and tendons
  • break up adhesions, scars, knots in different tissues
  • improve range of motion
  • reduce swelling
  • improve circulation 
  • alleviate pain

Massage helps to remove these chemicals by improving the blood supply to the injured area, so healthy nutrients are supplied to the area, so healing is faster.  This kind of massage covers the large areas of muscle tissue and always directs the fluids towards the lymphatic drainage system of the upper limb.  By improving your circulation and the blood supply to the tissues, along with the friction of the massage, heat is produced which provides pain relief and comfort.

Deep tissue and friction massage is a technique of massage focused on a specific area to release mini-scars and adhesions.  This helps to improve the range of motion of your joints and any joint pain, by releasing the stuck or knotted tissues.

What conditions does it treat?

  • Tendonosis (Tennis/Golfers Elbow)
  • DeQuervains Tendonosis
  • Muscle and Tendon Sprains
  • Wrist Sprains
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Hand/Wrist/Shoulder Pain
  • Trigger Fingers
  • Arthritis
  • Adhesions and Scars
  • Tendon repairs
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Dislocations
  • Fractures
  • Ligament Injuries
  • Sports Injuries
  • Musician Injuries

Our Approach

Our strength is in Diagnosis, Education and Custom Treatment Programs.

Every individual is assessed thoroughly and given an accurate diagnosis from their history and initial presentation of symptoms.  Progress is re-assessed around three weeks to confirm diagnosis. If an injury is not tracking as expected from normal tissue healing time frames and there are no reasons for lack of progress, consultation with the team happens to check diagnosis and progress is accurate.  

Injuries are explained in detail to each patient.  Diagrams are drawn and photos of conditions are given.  Patients are encouraged to ask questions, so they are fully informed of their condition or injury.  Expectations like when to return to work, sport, music, and driving are given.  Our therapists come alongside the patient to develop individual treatment programs, set up in conjunction with the patients’ goals and expectations.  

Every patient contributes to their treatment program and what they are able to do, so they are actively involved in their rehabilitation. 

Pain Management

Acute pain is when the body is working to heal structural tissue damage. Everything is done to ensure structural and mechanical integrity if maximised of the injured tissues.

Wound Management

Most wounds recover in the repair phase of healing. Our therapists look after your wounds by providing dressings that are applied with a sterile technique to avoid infection.

Mobilisation of Joints - Action Rehab | The Hands Physio

Mobilisation of Joints

Joint mobilisation involves moving the joint back and forth in small oscillating movements further and further into range to restore the joints normal movement.

Therapeutic Massage

Massage helps to improve blood supply to the injured area, helping you recover faster.

Exercise Prescription

Exercise is the body’s natural way of restoration to improve stability, mechanics, strength and movement to an injury. Whether the injury is from overuse, trauma, disease or surgery exercises are necessary to restore function.


Stretching is extremely beneficial for our joints, muscles and tendons. Not only do they help prepare your body work/exercises they ensure you are working at your optimum energy efficiency.