Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand therapy.

Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy for the hand & upper limb.

Find Us In Sydney.


Whether it’s sprained, fractured, broken or sore or simply uncomfortable, we’re here to help you to get the right treatment for your hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries.


We’re here to assess, splint, rest, exercise, strengthen, and rehabilitate your injury (as needed), so you can get back to life the way you like it.


We bring our extensive experience in upper limb treatment, our learnings, and our passion for helping you recover as fully as possible to every appointment.

Hand Therapy Treatment

Experiencing pain or discomfort? Make us your first call for shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand & finger injuries

If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, or limited movement with your upper limbs, from your fingers to your shoulders, don’t delay in booking an appointment with us. Your hand therapist will give you timely advice and the appropriate treatment for your condition, avoiding complications that patients sometimes experience by not seeking a hand therapist. No referral is needed.
Hand Therapy is a specific field that assesses and then delivers strengthening, massage, pain management education, and rehabilitation, helping patients regain maximum movement of their shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand after injury, surgery, or medical condition diagnosis.


Urgent care is for patients who need emergency support (including early assessment and treatment) after sustaining an acute injury.
If you’ve sustained a closed hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder injury, call us first or come straight in for urgent care. We’ll tell you the best action to take regarding your injury while reducing the waiting time typically associated with visiting your GP or the Emergency Department. It’s important to treat your injury as soon as possible. Without the right treatment straight away, you might incur additional damage or heal incorrectly.
We are here to assess, splint, strengthen and treat your injury. Call us on (02) 9743 4672 or book an appointment online.

Waterproof Custom Splints,
Orthoses & Bracing

At Action Rehab The Hands Physio, we have created our own splints and braces, allowing us to tailor the splint specifically to support your injury more effectively. Opting for our thermoplastic splint instead of a traditional plaster cast orthosis makes daily activities simpler during your recovery. Why is this beneficial? Because our splints are lightweight and water-resistant.

But I can purchase my brace or splint from the pharmacy;
why should I come to you?

Our therapists are dedicated to providing you with the necessary support for your injury or condition. We will evaluate the specific type of support your injury needs and create a custom-fit thermoplastic splint just for you.


The Hands Physio provides assessment and treatment for all conditions relating to the upper limb, including mallet finger. Visit our highly qualified and friendly therapists today at a location convenient to you.